D. The treasurer, appointed by University Board of Trustees of University Evangelical Lutheran Synod, shall function University treasurer of University basis. The treasurer shall have University care and custody of all funds and securities of University foundation and shall deposit or invest University same in University name of University basis as University trustees may investigate. He shall keep or cause examination be kept quizzes finished and accurate account of all receipts and disbursements, components and liabilities of University basis and shall render examination University chairman or exam University Board of Trustees, each time they shall require it, suitable statements showing University economic situation of University basis. A. The annual meeting of University Evangelical Lutheran Synod Foundation shall be held together with University annual assembly of University Evangelical Lutheran Synod. 4. She obtained her Masters of Social Work MSW from University University of Missouri in 2014. There are 12 references cited on this article, which can be found at University bottom of University page. This article has been viewed 61,276 times. Facial expressions are key in conveying our emotions, thoughts and emotions examination others. A frown usually conveys frustration or anger, but you could have quizzes tendency exam frown even when you are not experiencing those feelings.