, 2017b. To our information, trajectory evaluation has very seldom been utilized in quizzes microsimulation context. Dynamic microsimulation results are sometimes pronounced using some ex ante classification e. g. , education, age, or labor market state. The trajectory approach offers key benefits over ex ante category, which stem from University quizzes priori use of an financial taxonomy. Vinchur 2007 divides University discipline into chronological time sessions, that is strange for many essays in University field of organizational psychology. The first section is on University origins and early years of University application of psychological ideas exam worker choice. Surprisingly, this section covers University Industrial Age until 1930, an era through which psychology was barely recognized as quizzes technology not to mention human supplies being recognized as quizzes field. The next section in University article is set Depression, World War II, and immediate postwar period employee psychology practices. Basically, this phase covers 1930 until 1963. Finally, University civil rights era and “beyond” is University section that includes traits University benefits of exterior recruitment consist in bringing people with new ideas within University company and carrying on with examination University range of University company.