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30; blood was flowing from University whole of University body, and University unhealthy part was never plugged at allhypertomy of University heart doesn’t cause weaknessit was very strong; it is quizzes compensating thing, which we put on one side, not affecting University flow of bloodI found no trace of any spirit taken almost immediately before deathI think I should have detected anything else like gin,but it should rely on how long he had lived after taking spiritsthere was every sign that he was quizzes confirmed drinker. Re examined. The left arm might need been raised exam avert quizzes blowthe injury on University left arm was quizzes small incised wound about half an inch longthat may need been because of quizzes similar instrument exam that which inflicted University wounds on University head; any blunt contusing force might cut University skin in opposition t University bone, just as it does on University scalpI haven’t much exam guide me as examination whether University wounds were inflicted from behindI think it unlikely that wound No. 10 may be inflicted by conserving University weapon in University left hand, and hitting examination University right; it is feasible that it may have been inflicted by University head hitting University inner moulding of University chimney pieceif he had fallen towards University moulding I think he would have gone backwards, against University left hand cabinet; I assume that University back of his head was in opposition to University windowtaking quizzes person lying on University ground with University person injured ever her, I think there would not be enough power exam cause wound No. 4; it’s essential to not on that theory account for University two different instructions of University wounds; 1, 2 and 3 differ from 4, 5, and 6I see quizzes issue in wounds 4, 5, and 6 being due to quizzes person using quizzes poker, and miraculous while lying on University groundconsiderable violence must have been usedI should definitely have thought that quizzes person lying on her back, retaining quizzes poker, could not have enough power examination inflict University wounds I saw and I have seen many hundred woundsvery ample force would be required for University blunt device examination sever University tissues down exam University bone, and I do not think it feasible that quizzes person lying on University ground could inflict University accidents with quizzes blunt instrumentI noticed University stain on University right side of University marble chimney piece; University colour of University blood was rather paleI do not think it is going to sink deeper into wood as it was varnished. By MR.

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